Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Blog and Introduction

So I have decided to work on blogging as it relates to my faith and journey as a pastor and follower of Jesus. I hope to share sermons, insights, and God-moments that I see. I hope this will be a way I can testify to what God is doing in, around, and through me to help me live a "Christmas frame of mind" throughout the year. Thanks for checking in! I look forward to your comments!

As a start to my new blog, I thought it would be fun to go back and post some of my older sermons and messages from this past year since Graduation on May 10, 2008. As you read through, you will see my comments to myself included in parentheses and also quote references where available. I have tried to provide http:// links where they fit for different books, quotes, and other references I make. If you have questions about sources, quotes, books, etc. please let me know. Also, If I have inadvertently missed a reference or referenced something incorrectly, please let me know and I will gladly update the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, During your sermon on Sunday, you mentioned that we should look around to see God in our community. We live just across the street from Capital City Christian Church. We see God every Monday there, as the church is a distribution center for food for the needy. Long before the appointed time for the doors to open, the lines form to receive their food. As the economy becomes tighter, we have seen the lines become longer. It strenghtens my idea of how much our own contributions of food each month probably help those who are less fortunate. Again, we see God in our community each Monday. Thank you for your thoughts and challenges in your sermon on Sunday. Bettie Carmichael