Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Festival of Homiletics: Tuesday Morning Sermon: Anna Carter Florence on Matthew 15:21-28

Top 5 8 List from Anna Carter Florence's Sermon on Tuesday Morning:
1. Even after the bulletin is run off, it's ok to change both the Sermon Title and Scripture Preaching Text.  Sometimes the Spirit moves in unexpected, unplanned, and uncalled for ways--And That's OK!  (If a professor of preaching at a preaching conference can do it, so can I!)

2. "We don't need to be Jesus' bodyguards.  We are called to be poets instead, because Poetic Language stops us in our tracks and causes us to take a 2nd look at life." ~Dr. ACF

3. The woman in a discussion with Jesus (Matthew 15:21-28) could have left the room or hung her head.  Instead she chose to break open the image and word of "dog" (a cultural, racial slur in 1st Century Palestine) and look at it again in a new light.  Thus we need to do the same.  "In the beginning there is always a word... give us a new word."

4. "When breaking the bread for communion, we should tear the bread with abandon, so more crumbs fly off to make sure everyone gets a piece." ~Dr. ACF or Mary Oliver, I can't remember now.

5. Mary Oliver says, "The Bread of Life and Cup of Astonishment."  When have you eaten Life and been astonished lately?

6. Mary Oliver believes a poem is a confession of faith.  It has a purpose other than itself
7. Anna Carter Florence really likes Mary Oliver and her "Poetry Handbook" (especially a great quote on page 122, but I don't have it so I can't find the quote right now!). Since preaching should be more like poetry, I probably should have paid more attention in my many English classes years ago.  Oops. [See # 4, 5, 6]

8. U2 wrote a great song about this passage.  "Crumbs From Your Table".  Check it out on their album "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"! (Song lyrics are poems after all.)

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