Saturday, May 29, 2010

Festival of Homiletics: Thursday Morning Worship with Lillian Daniels

Lillian Daniels Sermon for Worship on Thursday Morning 5/20/10
"We and They"

Top 5 List:

1. What would our world look like if we followed Jesus' words and lived in generosity instead of judgment?  This passage from Matthew doesn't provide a scolding as much as it is a perspective for a better life.

2. As pastors, how do we refer to our congregations?  Do we use "we" or "they"? "We" is language of community, where as "they" is language of church consultants and the idea that the patient needs fixing by the pastor.   Move from "they" to "we" language.

3. Pastors--in interacting with our congregations, do we:
            *diagnose vs. belong?
            *critique vs. love?
            *consult from a distance vs. lead?

4. Sin = growing edges, areas of improvement

5. The festive banquet in heaven won't be perfect, but it will be a generous, reconciling banquet.  The Holy Spirit of hospitality is generous. (And "the other duck" will be served!)

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