Thursday, December 10, 2009

RMC's Putzing Advent-ure

RMC hosted our first annual Putzing Advent-ure on Wednesday, December 9th (and it continues Thursday, December 10th too!) in our Fellowship Hall.  This event is a chance for our church community to pause for a few minutes and focus on the waiting and preparations of Advent.  We have many folks in our community who collect putz displays (nativities/manger/creche) from different places or have one that is special to their family.  We invited everyone to bring one (or more) that they wanted to share with everyone else as part of this event.  Since this was our first time, we hoped to receive 20-25 sets--well, we were shocked and very excited to receive 46 different sets from ALL OVER THE WORLD!!  We have many from the US, Central and South America, Asia, and Europe.  We also have a number of them that were handmade by people in our community.  It's truly a blessing and joy to be able to share these with each other as we journey through Advent during our Putzing Advent-ure! 

We began the journey at Walt and Gay Sharon Brothers' house to see their elaborate display. Today we are invited to visit with Chancy and Keith Kapp in their home to see their putzen as well!  Join us from 3-6pm at the Kapp's house.  Call the church office for more info 919-787-4034.

If you wern't able to come on Wednesday, please plan to stop by tonight from 6-8pm in the Raleigh Moravian Fellowship Hall to view these putzen, pause for a breath during Advent, and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ as we all prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child.

Check out some photos from Wednesday's event!

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