Many Moravian Churches create scenes out of small figurines, buildings, and natural elements (moss, twigs, berries, etc) for Christmas to display the various images from the Christmas story. These Putzes include multiple scenes including the arrival of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, the birth in the nativity, the arrival of the magi, etc). Some traditions call this a manger or nativity or creche, whereas Putz comes from the German word, "putzen" which means "to decorate". When I was in Bethlehem, we often went "Putzing" to go from church to church to see various displays that the churches set up during Advent.
At Raleigh Moravian, we take this tradition into Holy Week. RMC's own Keith Kapp is our "Putz Master". He continues the Putz tradition by recreating the various scenes from Holy Week. He carefully updates the scenes each morning to show that day's events. I was facinated as I watched this Art decoration unfold throughout the week, and thought I would share the story and images here.
Palm Sunday
The whole Scene with Jerusalem on the right, and Bethlehem on the left as Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Jesus on the colt coming into Jerusalem as the villagers proclaim "Hosanna" (Save us!) and lay down palm branches to cover his path.
Another view of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
Up on the hill, we see the lamb and the cross, as a preview on Palm Sunday that gives us an indication of where we will end up on Easter morning!
Jesus is in the "Temple area" teaching (the one with the staff).
More view of Jesus teaching in the Temple (with the staff) as the villagers listen in. Notice the Pharisees up top watching and plotting.
Another view of Jesus teaching in the Temple
Jerusalem in the background
The Jerusalem residents watch the marketplace activities.
Some of the sheep in town
The soliders prepare to arrest Jesus.
Jesus is again teaching in the Temple area (standing with the red sash)
Jesus teaching- up close- as the crowds watch and listen
Maundy Thursday
Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane
Another view of Jesus praying in the Garden and the disciples who couldn't stay awake to watch.
Yet another view of Jesus praying in the Garden "Let this cup pass from me, yet not my will, but your will be done."
The soliders and Judas come to arrest Jesus while he's in the Garden.
Good Friday
Jerusalem and the Temple area after the earthquake. I find this particular image so telling of our Holy Week experience... the palms from Palm Sunday lay in the pile after the earthquake... we go from yelling "Hosanna" and laying the palm branches on Sunday to "Crucify Him" on Friday.
Another view of the Temple area after the earthquake.
The crosses after the crucifixions. The lamb remains reminding us that Jesus is the Lamb of God and the Good Shepherd.
The Roman Soliders guard the tomb, as the body has been removed from the cross, and placed in the new tomb cause the Passover is coming.
Easter Sunday
Calvary's Hill
The Women go to anoint the body and find the tomb empty. "The Lord is Risen. The Lord is Risen, INDEED!!!" (I also find this image particurally interesting, because in the Christmas putz, this is the manger area where Jesus is born. The place of resurrection is also the place of new life--how cool!)
Hallelujah, Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again! Let us LIVE the JOY of the Resurrection every day!
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