Thursday, September 2, 2010

That's what they said...

Here are a few links I've come across that are worth watching and reading... they are challenging for sure.  But they also feel right on some deep level, if I can look beyond the discomfort that I initially feel (at least for the poverty link). Meaning, I believe there is truth to be gleaned from them, and a perspective I need to hear.  So I thought, perhaps, you might like to see them too!  What do you think? 

Ben and Jerry's co-founder Ben Cohen is known for his "Oreo-nomics" when it comes to the US budget.  I saw a video of him doing this presentation live with a group of senators in Washington.  It was fascinating.  This animated cartoon is the same basic presentation.  I believe there is much wisdom here!

This other link is to a blog I came across.  Reading "Being Poor" makes my stomach queezy, but yet, I believe it's important for us to hear them, especially those of us who live isolated from poverty or live with comfort.  The reality of poverty can be around the corner from many people, but the dominos fall right to help us avoid this reality.  For others, the path veers and they find themselves in a different situation in life.  Take a moment to read to the end of this list... John Scalzi offers powerful words from many people who live in poverty.

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