Hi Everyone! I'm back from a week at Mission Camp in Ashe & Alleghany Counties, NC. It was a great week, and more will be posted later. I wanted to post quickly about the 10,000 Villages Drive to collect kits for displaced school children.
The email this week said:
"Ten Thousand Villages launches its 11th school supply drive to benefit displaced or orphaned children in places such as Haiti, Iraq, Nicaragua, North Korea, Serbia, Ukraine, U.S. and Canada. Last year over 100,000 school kits filled with new school supplies reached the hands of school-aged children whose lives had been interrupted by war or natural disasters. Supplies for the school kits can be dropped off at Ten Thousand Villages in Cameron Village from July 1 through August 31.
Include the following items in your school
supply donations:
Include the following items in your school

- 4 spiral-bound notebooks (about 8.5’’x 11”), 70-80 pages each
- 4 unsharpened #2 pencils
- 1 ruler, flexible plastic (with both 12” markings & 30 cm)
- 1 box/package of 12 colored pencils
- 1 large pink eraser
For more information email Marketing Coordinator Gricelle Font at marketing.raleigh@tenthousandvillages.com ."
Check out this link for more info:
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